Saturday, May 16, 2020

Download (PDF) Treason in the North (Path of the Ranger, #4) *by Pedro Urvi

Treason in the North (Path of the Ranger, #4) By Pedro Urvi


Book Excerpt :

The campaign in the Frozen Continent has failed. War returns to Norghana, and with it death and destruction.King Uthar has been defeated in the Frozen Continent. Wounded, he retreats to Norghania to regroup his forces and shield himself behind the walls of the capital.Lasgol and his friends will try to pass the fourth and final year of instruction and graduate as Rangers on their own merits. To do this they will have to take part in deeply dangerous missions and help the King against the invaders.The companions are divided, they must choose between supporting either the Rangers and the King or Darthor and the Western League. If they decide to support Darthor, they will be committing treason and will pay with their lives if they are found out.Darthor and the Western League make an alliance to defeat Uthar and attack the King before he can make himself strong once again. Lasgol and his friends will find themselves involved in the offensive to take the capital and dethrone Uthar.Will



"This book is available for download in a number of formats - including epub, pdf, azw, mobi and more. You can also read the full text online using our Ereader."




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