Saturday, February 8, 2020

*** [PDF] DOWNLOAD Testing Business Ideas: A Field Guide for Rapid Experimentation *(Top Books)

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Testing Business Ideas: A Field Guide for Rapid Experimentation





Available formats : PDF \ EPUB \ MOBI 

Book Descriptions :

A practical guide to effective business model testing7 out of 10 new products fail to deliver on expectations. Testing Business Ideas aims to reverse that statistic. In the tradition of Alex Osterwalder's global bestseller Business Model Generation, this practical guide contains a library of hands-on techniques for rapidly testing new business ideas.Testing Business Ideas explains how systematically testing business ideas dramatically reduces the risk and increases the likelihood of success for any new venture or business project. It builds on the internationally popular Business Model Canvas and Value Proposition Canvas by integrating Assumptions Mapping and other powerful lean startup-style experiments.Testing Business Ideas uses an engaging 4-color format to:Increase the success of any venture and decrease the risk of wasting time, money, and resources on bad ideas Close the knowledge gap between strategy and experimentation/validation Identify and test your key business

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